A personal choice | The Economist

This newspaper has never found it plausible that all prostitutes are victims. That fiction is becoming harder to sustain as much of the buying and selling of sex moves online. Personal websites mean prostitutes can market themselves and build their brands.


Read whole article: A personal choice | The Economist

By |2017-10-08T17:40:49+01:00May 10th, 2016|Categories: Media-EN, Prostitition|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

How Prudish Laws From the 1950s Make Sex Work Dangerous


In an ideal world we’d probably pay attention to the testimony of actual sex workers before boxing their profession into a web of laws.

Read article: How Prudish Laws From the 1950s Make Sex Work Dangerous Today | VICE | United Kingdom

By |2016-05-08T12:07:05+01:00April 30th, 2016|Categories: Internet-EN, Media-EN|Tags: , |0 Comments

Emotion – “Send in the clowns”

When it comes to prostitutes, people tend to have several ideas about them. Some will express sounds of disapproval of sex work all together. But still there are some who respect sex workers and admire them for their emotional capabilities because they acknowledge the fact that it is not that easy a job as it […]

By |2017-10-08T17:40:50+01:00January 15th, 2016|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Coming out of the closet as a sex worker

This afternoon I was reading an article on coming out as a sex worker and all the consequences that derive from that decision. In many countries prostitution has not yet been legalized. Apart from all the stigma sex workers are at risk of being arrested on the job. Girls who have been confronted with violence […]

By |2017-10-08T17:40:50+01:00January 7th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Current|Tags: , |0 Comments

Virtuality of prostitution politics

Sex work is deviant


In the old days travelers were explorers. Returning from their voyages they were highly admired when sharing their stories about discoveries and experiences in worlds far away, unreachable for most. Still today, many people stay safely in the environment of their home-town. Never expanding their horizon or changing point-of-views to see […]

By |2017-10-08T17:40:50+01:00December 31st, 2015|Categories: Blog, Current|Tags: , |0 Comments

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