Sex work is deviant


In the old days travelers were explorers. Returning from their voyages they were highly admired when sharing their stories about discoveries and experiences in worlds far away, unreachable for most. Still today, many people stay safely in the environment of their home-town. Never expanding their horizon or changing point-of-views to see the world in perspective. They live in their own reality.

Media and internet grant a preview of what the big world has to offer. This is judged according to values and morals learned in ones own limited world. Both are realities and both are existent. It is individual perception that creates a personal reality which often differs from absolute reality.

Discussion concerning sex work often arise from the inability to acknowledge a reality which exist outside of ones comfort-zone. Just because it is non-existent in your world does not mean is does not exist or has no right to exist.

Sex work is deviant. Deviant because it involves your body and deviates from the social norm. Dramatizing the subject it is often referred to as ‘selling your body’. We all know this is not correct since it is never about selling or transfer of ownership.

Sex work is Pro sports

Professional athletes exhaust their bodies for hours every day, training for achievement. Records must be broken under technological, social and financial pressure. Natural physical boundaries are neglected with the aid of injections and anaesthetizing sprays. Steroids are being abused to further enhance capacities.

All is fair on the way to the top. Only to be rendered worthless at the age of 30. Pro athletes are adored , cheared and sponsored to cross their physical limits. Allowances, facilities, million-dollar-contracts. The whole world joins in the spirit and indentify with their idols. Nations gain pride from the number of top athletes under their flag.

Can these athletes make their own choices? Or are choices made under pressure of fans, trainers, sponsors and everyone else benefiting financially? Are they choosing to have their body exploited for their athletic skills?

Big money is being made from sports and all related industries. Bodies are being sold and resold to the highest bidder. All acceptable as long as it is referred to as transfers. As soon as they no longer produce cash, they are dumped and left to survive in the mercyless society. Even though they have missed an important stage of life in which one is prepared to become an independent active member of society. Their only assets are past athletic achievements.

Sex work is deviant. That is true. We do not receive allowances and we do not have sponsors. We are not accompanied by pimps… oh, excuse me.. by trainers. We are however, expected to achieve.

Top athletics is a profession. Sex work is a profession. Ergo, sex work is a profession.

But… sex work is deviant. Because it does not play a part in everyone’s daily reality it may not exist as a regular profession. Politics have created a sub-industry to restrict social integration. Figures showing the sex industry contributing a major part of the gross national product may however taunt consistency of policies. They want the returns without the hassle.

To be a succesful sex worker we also have to maintain, train and nourish our body like an athlete. It would be nice if we had the possibility to get an insurance to cover the times when our body is temporarily out of order.

Sex work is deviant. Thus, it is not considered a profession. While on duty I regularly encounter questions like: “What do you do for a living?”. After regaining my calm I humbly state that THIS is my profession.

Virtuality sex workers

We are the embodiment of creatures from a virtual reality which is either considered to be morally sinful or an erotic heaven. Bubbles burst whenever people realize that we actually do our own earthly groceries and have to queue for the cashier.

Sex work is deviant. One moment the foxy vixen on the pedestal which make the wildest dreams come true. The other moment the needy, irresponsible psychic disorderly stain on society.

Sex work is deviant. Politicians fight to be heard. To become our trainers to benefit from cashflow. Political parties resemble clubs who take the credit for controlling our lives. Prostitution in a campaign has become prestige, contributing to reputation. We are merely the players or puppets without a voice over which the clubs are competing. In the mean time we are being bombarded and slapped silly with regulations and restrictions which noone can understand anymore. Just to be rendered stupid to the public. Too stupid to make educated decisions or to look after ourselves. Hence, the virtual self-created market of the rescue industry.virtuality

And our fans? They do not advocate support by showing off hooker-merchandise. They are being discouraged, criminalized and forced to feel ashamed. The clubs do not thrive by our achievements but by demolishing our image.

After all, we originate from a deviant reality and are not to integrate in society.

Reality is the collapse of the political rescue and salvation operation policy the moment we become tangible and prostitution politics fade into virtuality.